Drama for communication, confidence and wellbeing
Speech Bubbles is a weekly drama programme taking place in school time, designed to give young children an opportunity to have fun telling stories and acting them out. The programme has a particular emphasis on supporting children to gain confidence and develop their physical and verbal communication skills.
Anywhere between 3 and 15 children in every KS1 class will have a communication need that is affecting their learning, their enjoyment of school and their socialisation.
Many of those children would significantly benefit from taking part in Speech Bubbles.
Speech Bubbles is for children aged 5-7 who find it difficult to develop the speech, language and communication skills they need for life: for socialising, for learning, for well-being and good mental health.
Children are referred to the programme by their class teacher or SENDCo.
In Speech Bubbles sessions drama practitioners and school staff create a safe and playful space for children in KS1 to develop their communication skills. A story drama approach places the child at the centre of the activity, and they become at different times, author, performer and audience.
A recent evaluation revealed that 89% of children participating in Speech Bubbles showed an improvement in learning, speaking and listening and 90% showed behavioural improvements.
If you are a school and are interested in finding out more about Speech Bubbles please contact Craig Harris on 0161 770 3240 or craig.harris@oldham.gov.uk