DATE: 06/03/2014
TIME: 8:00 pm
LOCATION: United Kingdom
VENUE: Oldham Theatre Workshop
Speech Bubbles 06/03/2014

Supporting children to develop communication, confidence and wellbeing

Increasing numbers of children are starting school life with communication problems. The latest evidence gathered by the Communication Trust suggests that as many as 50% of children in areas of disadvantage have speech and language skills that are significantly less developed than those of other children of the same age.

Speech Bubbles – Promoting social and personal well being in 5-7 year olds through speech and language intervention

  • Improvements among children with communication difficulties including verbal and  physical confidence
  • Fluency improvements
  • Vocabulary improvements
  • Emotional engagement
  • Better turn taking/giving
  • Empathy
  • Children achieve in a less pressured environment
  • They have better chances of social integration
  • They have a safe place in which to grow confidence
  • They are given a space in which to verbalise and act out feelings and emotions
  • They can confront their anxieties in a safe context
  • Aspects of their social psychological and physical well-being are all involved
  • Learning mentors have a different and more responsible role
  • Learning mentors feel more job satisfaction and see as professional and personal development
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